Economic life changed dramatically during the 1960s. Factories were in dire need of cheap labor to maintain their profits and growth.
Work at the assembly line was the issue of these new "Modern Times".At the same time, the public authorities began to transform the city by constructing large buildings, subways, viaducts and highways, etc. The canal districts of Brussels played a decisive role in the modernization of the city. The 1950s, 1960s and 1970s saw the arrival of many immigrant workers from Italy, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Morocco, etc. .... In Brussels, the men worked mainly in the construction sector. It was the time of the construction of the Midi Tower and the important works of the Brussels subway. In the Spanish, Moroccan, Turkish or Portuguese cafés, it is not uncommon to hear the workers of the time say with a certain pride: "We built the metro! The food shops, cafés, printers, cultural associations, sports clubs, and political organizations of all kinds can be counted in the hundreds and give an extra color to this part of Brussels.
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